After 22 days in the Antepartum Ward, one very long day in Labor and Delivery, two days in the Postpartum Ward, 56 days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and 28 days in the Infant Special Care Nursery, we are home.
After three days on intravenous magnesium sulfate, countless ultrasounds, nine days in the Trendelenburg position, 19 days with a catheter, one amniocentesis, 15 hours of pitocin-induced labor and eight minutes of pushing, we are home.
After five days on a ventilator, three blood transfusions, one patent ductus arteriosus ligation (heart surgery), six weeks on a CPAP machine and ten weeks of gavage feeding, we are home.
There is no place like home.
February 9th is a day I will never forget. Our neonatologist, Dr. Jennings, took great pleasure striding into our room and saying, "I bet you are really disappointed that I am going to discharge you today". With my son in my arms, I broke down trying to absorb the magnitude of what this meant for little Miles. His life could finally be filled with the love and peace that Dino and I have so desperately wanted to share with him.
While I am filled with the overwhelming joy with having our son all to ourselves, I am also quite cognizant of the difficult journey that is just behind us. I would have never made it as I had without the courage and support of my wonderful husband and also our family and friends. Words are hard to find to express my gratitude for all of the loving support that we received from the very beginning. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the outward and constant encouragement you gave to Dean and me during our challenging journey. Knowing that so many people were there for us allowed us to focus on little Miles who needed us more than he will ever know. It has taken a village to bring this boy home, and again, I lovingly thank you for being a part of it.
Welcome home Miles!
Welcome Home Miles!!!
We've been out of touch, but it was great to see the photos and clip of Miles touring his new nursery. We laughed out loud with happiness when we saw the smile on Lisa's face as she sat with Miles in the rocker. What a tremendous Mile-Stone! (Yes, pun intended.) Looking forward to meeting the little guy very soon.
Much love, The Zieglers
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