‘Twas the week before Christmas and all through the ward
No one was in labor, and boy, were they bored.
The monitors placed atop their tummies did sing,
While everyone hoped no alarm bells would ring.
For mommies all cozy in their hospital sheets,
Dreaming of term babies just couldn’t be beat.
Daddy was in the garage with brother in tow
Preparing for a trip they so very well know.
When in the hall outside room 509,
Things seemed different, and just in time.
Leaning forward in bed to see what was the matter,
Mommy got a glimpse of a guy with a ladder.
This guy wasn’t maintenance or “A La Carte”;
He was red in dress and turned with a start.
Mommy saw from his eyes he was someone unique;
He poked in her room and said, “Are you asleep?”
As he sauntered in, Mommy felt her baby kick;
This guy, known as Santa, said “Did you pick?”
“Pick what?” said Mommy, “What could you mean?”
“I mean: Pick a present, for that’s why I came.”
Mommy’s gifts were already scattered all on the floor,
Photos of Miles, Daddy, family and more.
“I need nothing,” said Mommy, with her heart quite full.
Santa said quietly, “But what about the baby in tow?”
It was then that she noticed -- he had no bag of gifts,
Perhaps it was magic or miracles he possessed.
She looked at her board and saw “30 weeks 6 days.”
Thinking out loud, she said, “You could help in 36 ways.
I need just another month and some change
To help our new baby get home on the range.
Thirty-six more days will mean thirty-six weeks,
And that is a baby that we getta keep.
Santa, could you help this baby stay clear
Of the NICU, Two South and all of our fear? ”
He nodded his head and he winked his eye;
Mommy stared in disbelief and then she cried.
For there was Daddy standing next to the bed--
The New Year had turned and so had their dread.
In Daddy’s arms, a new baby boy safely slept,
Healthy enough at home he could be kept.
Miles was a brother and so happy to be,
But best of all was that his Mommy was free.
So just when you think Santa isn’t real,
Let your heart and mind really go for the deal!
Thats a masterpiece. I am very impressed. In fact, I think, its your best one yet! Hope all is well, can't wait to see you and miles soon. Deli
That brought me to tears, it was beautiful, thank you! I am hoping and praying for 36 more days!!
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