However, bringing this project to term is once again posing some challenges. I am 25 weeks and 5 days pregnant and for the last five weeks my cervix has been slowly changing. Yesterday afternoon I left my OB appointment in a wheelchair and moved into my new room at Chez Swedish (that would be Swedish Hospital for you out-of-towners). I will likely be here for the duration of my pregnancy, which hopefully will be a long time.
Here's the good news! My condition is not nearly as dire as it was when I was admitted with Miles. My cervix is still closed with 8 to 11mm to spare. My state at admission with Miles was no cervix closure and prolapsed membranes (amniotic sack) through the cervix. I am on bedrest, but I can take a shower and use the bathroom on my own (this is huge!). I have no IV yet and while I'm taking plenty of drugs I can still see straight. From our previous stay, I know the majority of the nurses and even the maintenance people. I have heard a number of stories of women lasting weeks in my fragile state. Best of all, I have lived through the NICU trauma and come out the other side with a beautiful baby boy.
So, in short, no worries, I AM NOT HAVING THIS BABY ANY TIME SOON. After about two weeks, we will be in a position equivalent to when Miles was born. I will get past that marker and then shoot for a more optimistic goal. Anything beyond 28 weeks will be bonus as far as I'm concerned. I would love to minimize the NICU interventions needed by our new little guy.
We'll keep all our loyal readers posted on this little story as it develops. Watch this blog for updates!
You all are in my thoughts! I'm hoping your cervix cooperates and you keep that baby in for at least a few more weeks. Take care,
Beth and Thomas
Lisa--you have a gret attitude and I know you (and baby) will sail through bedrest and birth gracefully. Keep on bloggin'. Your faithful reader in Tokyo, Tiffany-san
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