Now we await the arrival of his brother under remarkably similar circumstances. There's been enough déjà vu to coat everything with a thick layer since we checked Lisa into 5 South at Swedish Hospital a week ago. So much of the experience is familiar, from the nurses who say, "Has it really been two years, already?" to the serenely immutable cafeteria menu.
And yet there are a few key differences this time around. For one thing, due to close observation of this pregnancy (and especially Lisa's vigilance), the situation was rather less precarious when we were admitted. And we got through the first week in the hospital without any serious attempt by the new munchkin to make an escape.
Lisa's bed-rest restrictions are not quite so draconian, and the relatively modest doses of medication allow her to read, surf the Internet and converse with a coherence that was not always available two years ago. So, while it is certainly not a pleasant thing to be confined to a hospital bed for days on end, we know quite well that it could be worse.
The other big difference this time, of course, is the Muffin. He's been a real sport about the whole thing, and puts up with Daddy's blundering around the house. But he does miss his Mommy and the converse is equally true. We take Miles in for a visit at least once every day, and twice if possible.
But technology (specifically, wi-fi and the laptop webcam) has enabled us to leaven these visits with a little electronic yeast. So now, we proudly introduce Virtual Mommy!
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