Monday, September 8, 2008

The Sunday Hike

In which Miles and Daddy explore the Middle Fork of the Snoqualmie River...

Miles decided he didn't want to do a lot of climbing, so we settled on this gentle but very scenic river hike.

We stopped for lunch along the riverbank.

Miles savored the granola.

Then he was ready to go again.

He wielded a skillful polemic.

Miles got his feet wet.

... and plotted his next move.

Our return to civilization was a bit delayed when a shoe went missing.

But a little backtracking got us back on track.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Miles for Vice President

Reasons why Miles should be V.P.

comfortable in a leadership position
not a DC insider
likes to work outside of the box
can work long hours
good speaker
capable of taking control on day one
organized thinker
family oriented
not a yes-man
high energy
would bring change to DC
can quickly vet his background

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Snow Lake

Aw, dad, do we really have to go on another hike?

Oh well, I guess it's OK.