Friday, November 17, 2006

The Home Stretch

Remember what we said yesterday about stability and settling in for the long haul?

Well, late last night we got a reminder that we're not writing this script.

After noticing some unusual liquidity down below, Lisa summoned the nurses and then Dr. Bohmke, who confirmed around 3:30 a.m. that Lisa's water had broken.

Based on a number of tests this morning, we are expecting that this train will get rolling pretty soon.

So, as when we arrived, we are once again thinking in terms of hours rather than weeks and months. However, we know we're in infinitely better shape now than we would have been in Week 25. So we'll just keep our fingers crossed and be thankful that we're in good hands.

For the moment, we're trying to keep things quiet around here, so please hold off on visits and phone calls. We'll keep posting regular updates.


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